asp-page= Bird Dog Express™

About Bird Dog Express™

About Us

Our Team makes it easy and exciting to learn about the Real Estate Industry, while supplementing your income.

At Bird Dog Express™, our team of knowledgeable Investors teach you step by step how to find and submit high quality leads. They also show you exactly what to be on the lookout for in our videos. Follow us on our socials to start learning more about real estate. Sign up today to join our team!

Flexible Hours

Gather Real Estate Leads on your own time.

Earn Money

Bird Dog Express™ pays a flat rate fee to its Bird Dogs for the properties purchased from the data collected by the Bird Dog. Leads will only turn into Paid Leads if Bird Dog Express™ purchases the property.

Be Part Of The Team

Joining our team is an easy way to make connections, make money, and expand your knowledge.

Who can be a Bird Dog™

Our team is built up of everyday people such as college students, medical professionals, mail carriers, self-employed, stay at home parents; you name it!

You may just want to join for fun, to make extra income, or to start your journey in becoming an investor.

Whoever you are as long as your 18 or older, you can be a part of our team. We look forward to having you be a part of our team.

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